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Measuring an object and creating it as a three-dimensional model

Reverse Engineering

Measuring an object and creating it as a three-dimensional model

Reverse Engineering service is the creation of CAD models for manufacturing, precisely over point cloud or STL data obtained with the help of 3D laser or optical scanning systems, in order to obtain computerized data of your parts, which are planned to be modified or improved on the existing model, but you have the model in hand. . Reverse Engineering method is applied in the creation and reprocessing of CAD data of molds or models whose data has been lost.

Reverse Engineering;

As computer-aided design (CAD) becomes more popular, it can be used to create three-dimensional virtual models of existing parts for use in reverse engineering, 3D computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided engineering (CAE), and other software. It has become a method.

The reverse engineering process involves measuring an object and then creating it as a three-dimensional model. The dimensions of the physical object can be measured using three-dimensional scanning technologies such as coordinate measuring machine (CMM), three-dimensional triangle laser scanners, three-dimensional structural light digitizer scanner or computed tomography. Measured data, often represented as a point cloud, by itself lacks topological information and is therefore often converted into a more useful format, such as a triangular mesh or a CAD model. Applications such as Imageware Rapidform or Geomagic use point clouds; It converts to formats that can be used in applications such as 3D CAD, CAM, CAE or visualization.

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